We are firm believers in the saying “To whom much is given much is expected”.
The following charities have benefitted from our collective generosity over the years. They are:
Missionaries of the Poor
Heart Foundation of Jamaica
Kidney Kidz Jamaica
Wortley Home
Grade 6 Initiatives
Each year after our Grade six students leave GSAT behind and before we wave goodbye to them for the final time as QPS students we arrange a number of activities that we hope will prepare them for
High School and beyond.
These sessions are usually interactive in nature and are useful in equipping them for the transition ahead.
Field Trips
FIELD TRIPS are important as they are vehicles used to enhance the delivery of our curriculum content.
Some of the trips undertaken this year are:
Forestry Department
Geology Department (UWI)
Salvation Army – School for the Blind
Hollywell Recreational Park
Little Orchard Farm
Zoukie Trucking